This school has a number of teachers who have a special interest in sport. Pupils from 3rd and 4th class enter indoor hurling competitions and the 5th and 6th classes participate with great enthusiasm in the Sciath na Scol football tournament each year.
We have a wonderful relationship with all community groups , including the local G.A.A. and Camogie clubs , who help to maintain our extensive school grounds . A group of volunteers from the G.A.A. club train pupils from 1st to 6th during the school year with support from past pupils in their T.Y. year. This culminates in an Annual blitz involving classes from 3rd to 6th which is enjoyed by all in the school community.
Teams also compete in various sports quizzes, debating competitions, Basketball tournaments and have achieved great success in the past.
The 6th class take lessons in pitch and putt with the help of local volunteers and pupils from 3rd to 6th participate in swimming lessons in Bishopstown. We also work in conjunction with Bandon Rugby Club who send trainers to teach movement and ball skills to pupils from 2nd class up. Last year, we were awarded an Active Schools flag and all the pupils and staff really enjoyed our Active Schools week.
Our school choir really add to the atmosphere of the school with songs composed and performed for special occasions, such as staff weddings, monthly assemblies, friendship week, Seachtain na Gaeilge. Hymns are learnt for different religious ceremonies and feasts during the year, with the emphasis always being on self-expression, enjoyment and to contribute to a positive school environment.