

Enrolment into Bishop Galvin Central School



Please complete the below online enrolment form by 1st February 2025. 

Please see our Admissions Notice  https://newcestownns.ie/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Admission-Notice-Oct-2024-1.pdf

For our admissions policy, consult our policies section here.

If for some reason you are unable to complete the form online, you can find a link to a pdf of the form here. Please download it, complete the form and send to us by 1st February 2025.

You can download a Word version of the form here to complete and email to us.

Enrolment packs are also available from the office.

Online Application for Enrolment 2025-26

Any information you give on this form will be treated with the strictest confidence and only used for the benefit of your child.

Name of Child (required)

Will your child be making their Holy Communion? (required)

I give permission to the principal to discuss the needs of my child with the manager of the pre-school/school listed above (required)

In the event of an emergency, should we fail to contact you, do you give permission to the School to bring your child to doctor/hospital? (required)

Parents - The following information is needed for registration purposes.

With whom does the child normally reside?

Home Address (please include eircode) (required)

1st contact person if parent not available

2nd contact person if parent not available

The Board of Management cannot be held responsible for pictures/video taken by parents at Celebrations, School Concert etc.

The school teaches Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) using the guidelines provided by the Department of Education and Science. If you have any concerns with regard to RSE please tick this box so that an appointment will be made with the principal to discuss your concerns.

Pupil Information required for Department of Education and Skills Primary Online Database The Department of Education and Skills has developed an electronic database of primary school pupils called the Primary Online Database (POD) which involves schools maintaining and returning data on pupils to the Department at individual pupil level on a live system. The database allows the Department to evaluate progress and outcomes of pupils at primary level, to validate school enrolment returns for grant payment and teacher allocation purposes, to follow up on pupils who do not make the transfer from primary to post primary level and for statistical reporting. The database will hold data on all primary school pupils including their PPSN, First Name, Surname, Name as per Birth Certificate, Mother's Birth Surname, Address (including Eircode), Date of Birth, Gender, Nationality, whether the pupil is in receipt of an Exemption from Irish and if so the reason for same, and whether the pupil is in a Mainstream or Special Class. The database will record the class grouping and standard the pupil is enrolled in. The database will also contain, on an optional basis, information on the pupil's religion, on their ethnic or cultural background and whether one of the pupil's mother tongues is English or Irish.

Pupil Name (required)

Pupil Address (required)

The Department has consulted with the Data Protection Commissioner in relation to the collection of individual pupil information for the Primary Online Database. Religion and ethnic and cultural background are special category data under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Mother tongue is personal category data requiring consent for collection. While these questions are optional, written consent is sought by the student’s school to record this information and for the school to forward this information to the Department. The information would be very useful to the Department for statistical and research purposes. Aggregated information on Ethnic/Cultural background will be used to track the progress of these groups, and to compare their progress with other groups, thereby identifying gaps in the system and assisting in the development and implementation of appropriate policies and interventions. Aggregated information on religion will be used for statistical purposes only. Mother tongue is collected to identify, monitor and evaluate the need for English as an additional language (EAL) support. Parents/guardians have the option to identify their children’s religion, ethnic background or if mother tongue is English or Irish and to consent for this information to be transferred to the Department of Education and Skills. This page of the form will be retained by your primary school.

To which ethnic or cultural background group does your child belong (please tick one)? (required)

I consent for the special category data in the two questions and the personal category data question to be stored on the Primary Online Database (POD) and transferred to the Department of Education and Skills and any other primary schools my child may transfer to during the course of their time in primary

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