All classes to return to school.
At the most recent board meeting in February, the board reviewed and ratified the updated Covid Response plan.
Staff were asked to fill in an updated Return to Work form and were briefed on infection control measures. They were also reminded of the signs and symptoms of Covid-19 and were advised to download the Covid tracker app. if they had not already done so.
Hygiene and cleaning will be of utmost importance on school return and the most recent correspondence from the Dept. of Education informs us that the infection prevention and control measures being adhered to in schools is working to keep schools safe.
All classes will return to school on Monday, March 15th and the senior classes will be arranged in pods of 1 metre apart.
Pupils will only interact with their own class in the yard and the school will be thoroughly cleaned every day.
If your child feels sick, has a temperature or displays any signs of Covid-19, it is important that you contact your family doctor for advice.
Please play your part by wearing a mask when collecting your child and by keeping your distance from other parents.